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Cara membangun rumah tangga yang sakinah,mawadah dan warohmah.
setiap insan yang sudah menginjak usia dewasa,pasti di wajibkan untuk menikah,karena kenapa?karena dengan menikah berarti kita termasuk ke dalam umat nabi muhamad yang menjalankan sunnahnya.
pertanyaanya,bagaimana cara membentuk rumah tangga yang sakinah,mawaddah dan warahmah itu?
seperti halanya dalam membangun sebuah rumah,hal pertama yang di bangun adalah pondasi terlebih dahulu,agar bangunan nya itu kuat dan nantinya tidak mudah roboh atau hancur yang di sebabkan angin kencang atau pun gempa.
sama halnya dengan membangun sebuah hubungan rumah tangga,hala yang harus di utamakan adalah bangun dulu pondasi rumah tangganya itu.apa pondasi dalam berumah tangga itu?
pondasi rumah tangga itu ialah keimanan kita atau bisa juga dengan niatkan kita membangun rumah tangga hanya untuk ibadah kepada alloh swt.karena dengan pondasi seperti itu nantinya akan menguatkan tembok atau tiang tiang rumah tangga.
selanjutnya dalam menjalankan kehidupan sehari-hari,seorang suami dan istri harus menuruti atau mengikuti setiap keinginan pasangannya masing-masing.dan jangan seorang suami ingin di mengerti atau di turuti keinginannya oleh seorang istri,namun sang suami enggan menuruti keinginan istri,nantinya hubungan seperti ini akan timbul banyak pertikaian.
seorang suami haruslah menjadi sosok yang bisa mengarahkan istrinya untuk beibadah kepada alloh swt,karena kenapa ?karena seorang suami adalah imamnya seorang istri.
catatan penting dalam berumah tangga adalah janganlah hal pokok yang di kejar atau yang di utamakan adalah uang.karena nantinya yang timbul hanyalah masalah dan masalah baru.tapi uasahakan utamakan segalanya hanya untuk ibadah.insya alloh nantinya keluarga akan adem ayem.
apabila seorang istri sedang marah marah,hala yang perlu di ingat suami adalah,kenapa istri bisa marah-marah?
pertama ,mungkin istri kita kecapean dalam mengasuh anak kita.
yang kedua mungkin istri kita sedang lapar,hehehe makanya jadi galak .
hal yang harus di lakukan apabila seorang istri sedang marah adalah dengan menjauhinya.dewngan keluar rumah.sudah agak lamaan baru pulang lagi.insya alloh amarah istri pun pasti sudah reda.
in english:
How to build sakinah, mawadah and warohmah households.
every person who has reached adulthood, must be obliged to marry, because why? Because by marriage means that we belong to the prophet Muhammad's people who carry out their sunnah.
the question is, how to form a happy household, mawaddah and warahmah?
like the problem in building a house, the first thing that is built is the foundation first, so that the building is strong and later it is not easy to collapse or collapse caused by strong winds or earthquakes.
as well as building a household relationship, the thing that must be prioritized is to build the household foundation first. what is the foundation in the household?
The foundation of the household is our faith or we can build a house just for worship to Allah Almighty. Because with such a foundation it will strengthen the walls or pillars of the household.
then in carrying out daily life, a husband and wife must obey or follow each other's desires and not a husband wants to be understood or followed by his wife's wishes, but the husband is reluctant to obey his wife's wishes, later this kind of relationship there will be a lot of conflict.
a husband must be a person who can direct his wife to worship God Almighty, because why? because a husband is a priest, a wife.
important notes in marriage are not the main things that are pursued or which are prioritized is money. because later what arises is only a problem and a new problem. but the priority is everything just for worship. if in the future the family will cool down calmly.
if a wife is angry, what she needs to remember is, why can the wife get angry?
First, maybe our wife is tired of taking care of our children.
the second is maybe our wife is hungry, hehehe so it becomes fierce.
the thing to do when a wife is angry is to stay away from her. Go out of the house. It's been a while before I go home again. In fact, the wife's anger is definitely gone.
in english:
How to build sakinah, mawadah and warohmah households.
every person who has reached adulthood, must be obliged to marry, because why? Because by marriage means that we belong to the prophet Muhammad's people who carry out their sunnah.
the question is, how to form a happy household, mawaddah and warahmah?
like the problem in building a house, the first thing that is built is the foundation first, so that the building is strong and later it is not easy to collapse or collapse caused by strong winds or earthquakes.
as well as building a household relationship, the thing that must be prioritized is to build the household foundation first. what is the foundation in the household?
The foundation of the household is our faith or we can build a house just for worship to Allah Almighty. Because with such a foundation it will strengthen the walls or pillars of the household.
then in carrying out daily life, a husband and wife must obey or follow each other's desires and not a husband wants to be understood or followed by his wife's wishes, but the husband is reluctant to obey his wife's wishes, later this kind of relationship there will be a lot of conflict.
a husband must be a person who can direct his wife to worship God Almighty, because why? because a husband is a priest, a wife.
important notes in marriage are not the main things that are pursued or which are prioritized is money. because later what arises is only a problem and a new problem. but the priority is everything just for worship. if in the future the family will cool down calmly.
if a wife is angry, what she needs to remember is, why can the wife get angry?
First, maybe our wife is tired of taking care of our children.
the second is maybe our wife is hungry, hehehe so it becomes fierce.
the thing to do when a wife is angry is to stay away from her. Go out of the house. It's been a while before I go home again. In fact, the wife's anger is definitely gone.
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